Monday, February 6, 2012


Rage. Intense, unbridled, rage. It could be described as the mass confusion of all emotion colliding into one thunderous, chaotic explosion. The want to scream and howl like an animal, then laugh the next second, and wonder why exactly you are laughing next, then come to the conclusion that you don't know why you are laughing, then finalize that you are only confused all the more. Rage is the want to unleash all the energy pent up inside yourself into hurling a chair across the room, and to then break down, sobbing, onto the filthy carpet that covers the floor. A convulsing, crumpled mass of disoriented flesh that needs to be gently picked up, held for a time, then put to right once more. 

Rage is a paradox. 

Rage is confusion. 

Rage is the unnamed emotion, boiling up and finally violently released into the chasm of time.

Forgive me Father, for I know not why I do what I do most of the time. 


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