Monday, March 26, 2012

Pissed Off at the World

There are times in our lives when the only thing we can do is be absolutely, one-hundred-percent, frankly, and furiously pissed off at the world. There may be a reason, and there may not be a reason. But whatever. I'm mad. You're mad. Lets be mad together.

Today was just a crappy day. Crappy crappy crappy. It wasn't a catastrophe, and it wasn't a disaster; it was simply the perfect combination of good and just enough bad to make it uncomfortably and irritably bad. Like my day was a trying to survive drowning and had just barely got its chin above water, only to find out that it was too late. Too much water in the lungs. Dead. 

It started out fine! It did! Really! I hopped out of bed at 6:45am and felt fresh. Alive. Invigorated. Theory went fine, I turned in my homework, I took notes in class. I learned the days lesson. 

Then I meandered up to Doane 3. Practiced piano for a little bit. Then Sarah came in. That was a sunshine on my face. A breath of spring air in my lungs. I was happy! 

But, she was not as optimistic as I, and with good reason. She didn't sleep well, and missed the tranquility of Alaska. I did too, but was more satisfied with my current location. So, I comforted her the best I could. When she is down I feel down, and want to try my best to lift her up and make her feel loved and appreciated, or just more at ease about what's going on in life.

Alas. My day was about to lose some altitude. Research Writing. Did not go so well. I hadn't done the homework, and felt terrified about her calling on me to answer a question about the assignment I didn't do. Whoops. Bad way to start the second half of the semester in that class. But, we move on.

Payroll time! My pay wasn't quite right, so after lunch I headed up to the financial department in Crowell, and asked who I needed to talk to in order to straighten my paycheck out. I was informed that the lady who usually works that department had decided to leave early today. Monday afternoon, 1:30pm, and she had conveniently decided to "leave early for the day".

In summary, a simple and I think poignant question was seared on my mind:

But, patience my dear man. Patience. Easy. Come back tomorrow, and do it then. 
Aaaaaaaah. I'm better.

So I went and did some other basic housekeeping, did some homework, made some appointments, etc. I was assuring myself that I wouldn't let those two little blows crash my proverbial airplane of a day. But try as I might, I could solidly come to terms with myself. I was not doing great. So, I texted Sarah, in hopes that company would remedy my plight. It did, and at 3:30pm, we set out on a walk through the park and through the sunny streets of our fair city. Hand in hand, we quietly perused the huge churches and cathedrals that were near campus. We even went to Ghiradelli's and got free chocolate. But unfortunately, Sarah felt a tad ill, and was still not having the best day. No fault of hers, because these kinds of days just happen. Ironically, we were both having that kind of day. 

Please be assured that we both did our upmost to bring a light mood to the day. We both tried to ease whatever burdens the other had in some way or another. It didn't always work. But at least we tried. No fault of either of us.

But alas. After dinner, at which the second person of the day had told us that we were the cutest couple ever, (the first was a sweet little school girl who saw us sitting on a park bench, my arm around Sarah and her head on my shoulder) we had Oratorio. Choir from 7:30pm to 9pm. That was the final straw. Broke the camels back for both of us. 

So now, we sit, two "Eeyore"'s. Not amiss with eachother. Just a little pissed off at the world.

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